Career Center Director Vanessa Nichols stands next to the new t-shirt printing press

Gary Career Center upscales its Graphic Design Program

Contributed By: The 411 News

Anything that's done at a commercial printer, Career Center can do it, too

“We’re going to be able to make any sign you want, just name it; even wrap your car” is the promise from the Gary Career Center’s Director Vanessa Nichols.

Unwrapped and almost ready for the 2024-25 school year, brand new and state-of-the-art printing equipment filled the production bay of the Career Center’s Graphic Design Program.

Anything that’s done at a commercial printer, the Career Center can do it, Nichols said. “We can make yard signs, banners, and posters. We can print on t-shirts.”

Wearing a lightweight windbreaker, Nichols said, “We can print on this, too.”

If buttons and labels are desired, they can also do that.

A new printer can turn out hundreds of copies of a 20-page booklet in minutes.

Graphic Design is one of the 15 career programs at the center that can lead to employment after graduation. “That's what we're about, shaping our kids for careers. This is the equipment they will be training on, preparing them to be job ready when they leave here,” Nichols said.

Partnerships with printers in the community will bring in professionals to provide work-based learning that will offer skills-building and can lead the way to internship opportunities for students in the program.

“We’re a business, open to the community. If someone is in Lowell, Merrillville, Crown Point, or Indianapolis and wants printing, we have a website they can order from,” Nichols said.

Story Posted:07/01/2024

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